100 Things about me
OK, I haven't blogged in a while, so I'll bite and do what everyone else is doing. I'll try to make it interesting and things most may not know about me. We'll see how it goes.
1)I love being a stay at home Mom
2) I love my girls more than anything
3) I love my hubby and have the best one in the world (sorry, but it's true)
4) My husband deserves the Dad of the year award every year!
5) I am addicted to Sonic's Iced Tea with extra ice (unsweetened of course)
6) Yes, if there was a support group for Sonic addicts, I would have to join, but I wouldn't be alone (duh, Leann would be the first!)
7) I love the friendship that I have found in Leann Priebe and would not trade it for the world.
8) Yes, I know that #7 is sappy, but it's true
9) I would have to kill Leann if we ever stopped being friends for the simple fact that she knows too much!
10) I was a military wife for 4 years
11) I lived in the state of Illinois in free housing with Lake Michigan in my back yard for 3 years!
12) I was diagnosed with endometriosis at age 22.
13) I have had more surgeries than anyone else that I know.
14) I was told that having my own biological children may not be a reality for me.
15) I have an older sister that lives in Boston.
16) She melted my heart when she said that she would have kids for me if I couldn't, and she tells me all the time that she thinks I'm a great mom.
17) It makes me cry to think about that....Love you Shannie Annie
18) My sister's real name is Shannon
19) The biggest honor in my life has been to witness the birth of both Priebe boys.
20) I'm thankful that everyone in my house is potty trained
21) I would not want to re-live the terrrible 3's for anything!
22) I got married 3 weeks before my 19th birthday, and my hubby was also 18.
23) Statisically we should be divorced right now because we married so young, we plan to prove the statistics wrong.
24) I love to play board games and card games
25) Steve and I love to watch Grey's Anatomy together.
26) Having TiVo has saved my sanity.
27) I have lived in Edmond all of my life except for the 4 years in Illinois.
28) According to Dana Bosley, I am the most jinxed person.
29) I don't know if I spelled that right.
30) I got married the weekend after Mike and Dana.
31) I love to sing barbershop with the best chorus, OK City.
32) Barbershop is not my favorite music to listen to.
33) Oldies are my favorite.
34) I love it now that my kids can write.
35) I get little notes all over the house that say " I love U mom". Can't beat that!
36) It's hard for me to believe that they will both be in school next year.
37) I love to talk ( big shocker, I know)
38) I have never met a stranger, I can talk to anyone.
39) I love to help people out, and have a hard time saying no.
40) Sometimes I hate that I have a hard time saying no.
41) I love to watch Steve play with the girls!
42) I hate doing laundry and dishes.
43) I believe that these are the 2 never ending tasks.
44) I get cranky if my house is a mess for longer than a day.
45) I get really moody if my toilets don't get cleaned once a week.
46) Yes I know that I'm anal.
47) I love to organize and re-organize things, I do it all the time.
48) I feel so blessed to have 2 little girls that are healthy, happy, and loved.
49) I love having VBS at night!
50) I do medical coding from home.
51) I love my job.
52) My bosses are GREAT!
53) I sometimes feel guilty about letting the kids watch a movie so that I can get my coding done.
54) This is really just 100 random thoughts about myself.
55) Hope you are enjoying this.
56) I have not done alot of traveling, though I like to travel.
57) I have never been outside of the USA.
58) Well, I was in Canada for about 3 hours before.
59) that was my first time to gamble.
60) I loved the nickel slots.
61) I went to Vegas with the chorus last year.
62) didn't gamble.
63) Couldn't stand the smoke.
64) I can't wait to compete in Hawaii in 2008.
65) I hope I can afford to take my whole family.
66) I hate it when kids whine.
67) I hate it when my kids talk back.
68) Both of these are a fact of life.
69) I hate it when people don't use comas the right way.
70) I hate it when I misspell words.
71) I love to get manicures and pedicures.
72) I'm getting both done tomorrow.
73) I hate to shop for myself.
74) I love to shop for others.
75) I would love to be able to decorate my house.
76) I wish I was more athletic.
77) I love my church family.
78) I enjoy living close to my parents.
79) I love it that my girls will know their granparents well.
80) I wax my upper lip and eyebrows by myself.
81) I will NEVER get a brazilian wax job.
82) I enjoy getting my hair cut and colored.
83) I get along with my In-Laws VERY well.
84) I talk to my Mother-in-law almost every day on IM.
85) After the kids go to bed, I play games online with her.
86) Notice the correct use of the coma?
87) I love holding sleeping newborn babies.
88) I love it that Jackson Priebe smiles when he sees me.
89) Even though he only laughs for Leann and Abby.
90) I love the little hugs and kisses that I get from my girls every day.
91) I love it when my girls sing along to my learning tapes from chorus.
92) They will be great baritones someday.
93) I LOVE Disney World.
94) Steve and I went there (kidless)for our 10th anniversary.
95) We have never been on a cruise.
96) We have been married for 12 years.
97) I love to play board games and card games with other couples (hint, hint).
98) I love that my husband supports me no matter what I do.
99) I love that he watches the girls every Tuesday night so that I can go to chorus rehearsal.
100) I love doing " girly" things with my girls!
The End. What to know more? Just ask, my brain is on overload!
Have a great Day,