Friday, June 02, 2006

View from my office

You know they say that a lack of sunlight can dig a hole in your mental attitude. I for one know this is a fact. For those of you that know me you know that I have been job hopping now for the past two years and have not been satisfied with any of these jobs except for one. The one job that I was satisfied with was Bogardus Medical Systems. The reason for this was the type of environment that I worked in (a small development team) and an incredible view from the 8th floor of a building on the NW expressway. The only reason that I left was the lack of potential promotion and salary increase. After that I got stuck with a job that was supposed to be a wonderful place to work (Actually, in the top ten for IT....according to .....ahhh some magazine). Yeah right.......I got shoved into a cubicle that was as grey as my dead aunt Velma's blouse (I really don't have an aunt Velma....I think?) The only sunlight I received came from a fluorescent light that came from a yellow tinted filter in the ceiling light cover. So the light was… to put it lightly (no pun intended) very drab! Long story....even longer.....Above is the picture of my new view from my new office. When I need a break I turn my chair and stare at the bums sleeping in the park, spy on the corner pharmacies (if you know what I mean), and occasionally watch the storms come in. So.....for those that are stuck in a cube that has no access to sunlight....I feel for you. Do whatever you can to get into an office with a view of the outside world. It makes all the difference in the world.


At 7:48 AM, Blogger Scott said...

I think I might be sitting in your old cubicle.


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